Souppes sur Loing Range is 100 kilometer South East from Paris near Nemours ( the town where the Dupont "de Nemours "
USA family was coming) and Fontainebleau ( the residence for French kings ) with its castle and huge forest.

Detailed Local Forecast  

Report from Carlos PACHECO :

For this year's Spring Trophy we welcomed 59 shooters from 8 European countries. Although the weather hadn't been great during the prior weeks to our competition we were lucky during the entire weekend and besides a
couple of light showers we had good shooting conditions. This year we had two sponsors, Alberto Lenzi donating several of his products and OctoAccuracy a new gun shop and rifle-smith from Montelimar donating a Bartlein
barrel for the Becker Trophy.

The 100 meters Light Varmint class was won by Luca Paoni from Italy followed close by Alberto Lenzi also from Italy and Regina Gerstenberger from Germany.

Small group was shot by Philippe Octo from France with a 3,08 mm

 In the Afternoon the 100 meters Heavy Varmint Class saw a even close results with Giorgio Dapian from Italy taking the first place, followed by Johan Teughels from Belgium and Monique Lendormi from France. 

Small group was shot by Danny Spiessens from Belgium with a 2,63 mm

The 200 meters Heavy Varmint Class shot under good conditions allowed Frederic Guegan from France to an easy win with a good Aggregate of 13,1840 mm followed by Werner Aechlimann from Belgium and Giorgio Dapian from Italy.

Small group was shot by Yves LeDu with a 6,37 mm

 In the last day of the competition for the 200 meters Light Varmint Class in quite challenging conditions with strong and switchy winds saw the French shooters

Yves LeDu catching the first place followed by Monique Lendormi and Yves Rondony. 

The Small group went to Jean-Claude Eymieu with a 8,95 mm.

The LV Grand Aggregate

Luca Paoni 8,8925 mm

Yves LeDU 9,3460 mm

Yves Rondony 9,4140 mm  

The HV Grand Aggregate

Frederic Guegan 6,8430 mm

Giorgio Dapian 7,1935

Johan Teughels 7,5425 mm


Giorgio Dapian 8,4083

Luca Paoni 8,5908

Monique Lendormi 8,8445

Johan Teughels 9,2153

Yves Goudal 9,2203

Becker Trophy that rewards the best 200 meters shooter (200 LV+200HV) was won by Yves LeDu, lucky winner of the Bartlein barrel, followed close by Monique Lendormi and Werner Aechlimann. 

I would like to close this report by thanking Louis Artaud for all his support, Regis Lemaur for the target measuring, Giovanna Eymieu and Yvonne Trautig for the target measurement and computer results,
and the president of ACS Claude DeDemo and all the benevolent fellow shooters that ensured during three days the perfect run of our competition, Thank you all very much!

Carlos Pacheco
Phone: +(33)627204478/160513765 Email:

Pictures credit of Deletang's and M Lendormi

Trophies awaiting the awards ceremony and Carlos Pacheco for presenting them.

LV 100 Agg
1st L Paoni 2nd A Lenzi 3rd R Gerstenberger (missing)    Small group P Octo

LV 200 Agg
1st Y Ledu 2nd M Lendormi 3rd Y Rondony    Small group JC Eymieu

LV Grand Agg
1st L Paoni 2nd Y Ledu 3rd Y Rondony

HV 100 Agg
1st Y Ledu 2nd J Teughels 3rd M Lendormi       Small group D Spiessens

HV 200 Agg
1st F Guegan 2nd W Aeschlmann 3rd G Dapian Small group Y Ledu

HV Grand Agg
1st F Guegan 2nd G Dapian 3rd J Teughels

Becker 200's Agg
Y Ledu

Two Gun Aggregate
1st G Dapian 2nd L Paoni 3rd M Lendormi 4th J Teughels 5th JY Goudal